

Name mary Age 41
Gender Woman Starsign Aries
Ethnicity White Status Single
Height 6'5" Body type Slim
Education University Smoking Never
Date joined 12/31/2014 Drinking Never
Last login 9 years ago (from country Nigeria)
Location Jackson, Hinds County, Mississippi, United States
Occupation Unemployed
Summary Am single looking for long term relationship that could lead to marriage anytime anyday
Description you doing Am Mary Scott amsingle looking for long term relationship i got one kid am not looking for a perfect man but looking for a perfect love and my face is not beauty but my beauty is inside me and if you think you are the right guy to work into my heart and look for tht beauty then you can text me on this number 530) <blocked number> or email on this M<blocked email>
Seeking Men Age range at least 48

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