

Name maricel2014 Age 40
Gender Woman Starsign Taurus
Ethnicity Asian Status None
Height 5'4" Body type
Education Smoking
Date joined 03/31/2014 Drinking
Last login 10 years ago (from country Philippines)
Location Pagadian, Province of Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines
Occupation self employed
Summary Life Goes On and God Knows And Time Will Tell
Description I'm Maricel and I'm simple woman and have a simple and want to have simple life to my partner if ever I found my partner in my life. It's not about having the perfect relationship, It's about finding someone or a partner who matches us and will go through everything with out giving up forever. Life is all about making choices always do our best to make the right ones, and always do our best to learn from the wrong ones. Sometimes we just have to accept that someone or partner can only be at our heart but not in real life.
Seeking Men Age range from 30 to 65
Description Always respect other people feelings even if it means nothing to you it could mean everything to them. If you love me only in my dreams let me be asleep forever.

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