

Name Nancy Age 44
Gender Woman Starsign Pices
Ethnicity White Status Single
Height 5'6" Body type Average
Education University Smoking Never
Date joined 12/03/2014 Drinking Never
Last login 9 years ago (from country Afghanistan)
Location New York City, New York, United States
Occupation NURSING
Description I am very happy with who I am as a Person, and I want to share & experience Life with a man who can share, and enjoy Companionship, and what I got, and who will treasure my Heart. I have good Heart and I’m caring.
Seeking Men Age range from 39 to 80
Description I am very happy with who I am as a Person, and I want to share & experience Life with a man who can share, and enjoy Companionship, and what I got, and who will treasure my Heart. I have good Heart and I’m caring.

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