

Name Gregory_yers Age 37
Gender Man Starsign Virgo
Ethnicity White Status Single
Height 5'1" Body type Slim
Education University Smoking Social
Date joined 11/24/2021 Drinking Social
Last login 2 years ago (from country United States)
Location Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California, United States
Occupation Construction Engineer
Summary Am lovely to be with..
Description My name is Gregory D Moyers ,i am 35 years old single, 5-11 ft tall, 170 lbs, Am a Christian and believe In God. Am a self-employed, Construction Engineer, I specialized on Buildings, plane, Jet and helicopter That what i do for living. This is little i have in mind that i want to express to you what I desire in a woman and what I do not desire. I want a woman of faith who Has principles and values.
Seeking Women Age range from 31 to 48

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