

Name keyboardist Age 36
Gender Man Starsign Scorpio
Ethnicity Asian Status Single
Height 5'8" Body type Slim
Education College Smoking Social
Date joined 03/08/2014 Drinking Never
Last login 10 years ago (from country Pakistan)
Location Islamabad, Islāmābād, Pakistan
Occupation Musician
Description I am keyboardist musician and i prefer to spend my mostly time in playing keyboard in religious events and my attitude is polite with everyone. And in routine life i am sincere, loving and caring person. I always treat everyone politely even who treat wrong with me because i follow the character of Jesus. I am in search of real and special one life partner to share my life with her who also know the value of love and i know the values of life and in my life Jesus is first of all.
Seeking Women Age range from 18 to 30
Description God fearing girls

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