

Name Frankcully Age 64
Gender Man Starsign Pices
Ethnicity White Status None
Height 5'10" Body type
Education Smoking
Date joined 03/28/2014 Drinking
Last login 10 years ago (from country Netherlands)
Location Washington, D.C., United States
Occupation Civil Engeneer
Summary looking for a honest and faithful man to be friends with and see how things will work between us
Description I consider myself strong, open minded and direct. I'm not afraid to tell people what I think about them or about any topic. I tell it like I see it because I feel it's better to be completely honest with someone. Telling someone a lie just to keep them from not getting hurt is not good for them. If they ask me for the truth, I tell them the truth for their own benefit and best interest. I care about people, try to help them as much as I can in any way I can. I have a good sense of humor. I love to Meet people from around the world to learn new things. I love to learn about everything I can. I'm very patient and compassionate. I love animals. I love to travel !! My weakness would be that it's hard for me to forget when someone hurts me. I could forgive them but it's hard to get over it.
Seeking Women Age range from 45 to 60
Description I must be attracted to both her mind and body. Similar outlooks on life, genuine appreciation for each other, our strengths complement our weaknesses, and we both strive to reciprocate feelings for each other. Qualities I look for are honesty, intelligence, loyalty, and an ability to communicate. In short a best friend to share the joys and sorrows of life together and a desire to travel the world.

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