Muhammad Hanif


Name Muhammad Hanif Age 65
Gender Man Starsign Aries
Ethnicity Asian Status It's complicated
Height 5'5" Body type Slim
Education College Smoking Never
Date joined 07/29/2015 Drinking Never
Last login 8 years ago (from country Pakistan)
Location Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan
Occupation I am retired and getting two Government pensions
Description I am widower since 1998 my wife has been expired due to her illness I have 7 children 5 children married and two schooling. My joint family. All children living with me
Seeking Women Age range from 35 to 45
Description I am good looking retired fuji I am getting two government pensions about Rs. 70.000 per month. I have 7 children 5 married and two children are schooling. I am living wih his family. I am widower,

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