

Name Sarah Age 40
Gender Woman Starsign Scorpio
Ethnicity Black Status Single
Height Body type Large
Education School Smoking Never
Date joined 11/21/2014 Drinking Never
Last login 9 years ago (from country Ghana)
Location Leawood, Johnson County, Kansas, United States
Description Nice to hear from you.I would like to email me at ( Sarahasabea1982@y/a/h/o/o/./c/o/m ), Send me Email Or if u want you can add me so that I can reply with my pictures and also tell you all about me. Hope to hear from you soon your new friend Sarah and i am online now Yahoo id : Sarahasabea1982 Best Regard Sarah
Seeking Sugar Babies Age range
Description Nice to hear from you.I would like to email me at ( Sarahasabea1982@y/a/h/o/o/./c/o/m ), Send me Email Or if u want you can add me so that I can reply with my pictures and also tell you all about me. Hope to hear from you soon your new friend Sarah and i am online now Yahoo id : Sarahasabea1982 Best Regard Sarah

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