

Name ericasam Age 41
Gender Woman Starsign Gemini
Ethnicity Mixed Status Single
Height 5'6" Body type Average
Education College Smoking Never
Date joined 11/19/2014 Drinking Never
Last login 9 years ago (from country Ghana)
Location Florida, Uruguay
Occupation i am a trained medical nurse
Summary hi everybody my name is Erica Sam amd nice to meet u all
Description I am well-bred, joyful and kind-hearted person. I am shy and sensitive. I am the girl of active and cheerful disposition. I always try to see something good even if the situation is quite bad. My friends tell me that I am a pleasant person to deal with, I never lose my temper. I am intelligent, bright and quit-witted girl, I have a big soul and a strong will. I am not contentious girl at all. I think you will see it.
Seeking Men Age range from 35 to 78
Description I am looking here for a very sincere and kind man, who will be unselfish and well-wishing. He will support me in any time and in any situation whatever it costs to him. He will come to me on the other pole of the world if I need or if it will be necessary for me. I want to find an intelligent, joyful and cheering man. I want my man to have a noble look and not only outer but also an inner beauty. I am looking here for a very sincere and kind man, who will be unselfish and well-wishing. He will support me in any time and in any situation whatever it costs to him. He will come to me on the other pole of the world if I need or if it will be necessary for me. I want to find an intelligent, joyful and cheering man. I want my man to have a noble look and not only outer but

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