

Name christina Age 31
Gender Woman Starsign Libra
Ethnicity Other Status Single
Height 5'8" Body type Slim
Education School Smoking Never
Date joined 11/17/2014 Drinking Never
Last login 9 years ago (from country Ghana)
Location Argo, Jefferson County, Alabama, United States
Occupation self eymployed
Summary looking for lover
Description I am a sincere, patient, quite, joyful, affectionate and kind person. I am a rather romantic person. I like communicating and enjoy spending my time with my friends. I hate when people lie and cheat on each other. I am not selfish and I always care about my friends and relatives. I am quite mature in spite of my age. I live alone, separately from my parents. My heart is not empty. It is full of emotions and feelings. It is difficult for me to refuse when somebody asks me for help.
Seeking Men Age range at least 25
Description other

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