

Name joy32 Age 42
Gender Woman Starsign Pices
Ethnicity Black Status Single
Height 5'5" Body type Average
Education College Smoking Never
Date joined 11/16/2014 Drinking Social
Last login 9 years ago (from country Senegal)
Location Dakar, Senegal
Occupation Hair Dresser
Summary Relationship and Marriage
Description Hi` I am easy-going, very kind, loving, honest and trustworthy. I am interested in many things that are usually related to my family. I'm a loyal friend. I believe in strong friendships, standing behind my words and beliefs. I love traveling, food, learning, and new experiences. I live a normal life, and often find joy in simple things, like our beautiful nature, the sky by sunset, the safe feeling that I get when I know that you are in my life for good. I know myself well and try my best to maintain a healthy balance in things and enjoy the rewarding experiences of life.
Seeking Men Age range from 45 to 70
Description My Ideal Person: I´m looking for the only man in my life. The type of relationship I hope to find is one truly filled with passion, one where we are attracted to each other intellectually, emotionally, and physically. I want to find my partner on all levels. A real soulmate. I want to build a life and family with someone, not for someone. I wish to meet someone who knows herself, has a good sense of humor, have her own beliefs, her own interests, knows what she wants, and has a plan to get it. So let´s explore life together. I`right here, where are you sweetheart...... music, dance cinema meseum reading books  watch movies go sport walk in the beach drive  jokes  entertainment

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