

Name anne88maria Age 35
Gender Woman Starsign Scorpio
Ethnicity Mixed Status Single
Height 5'5" Body type Average
Education College Smoking Never
Date joined 07/24/2015 Drinking Social
Last login 9 years ago (from country United States)
Location Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States
Occupation small beauty shop owner
Summary live life to the fullest
Description I'm a pretty chill person. I am a very free thinker, and quite liberal and accepting. I like to hang out and party sometimes. I have lived in lots of places but I'm staying here for awhile.. I have a pitt bull/mastiff mix puppy and I think he's awesome. I hate it when all people see is a pretty face and a nice body.. I'm pretty complicated but just get to know me.
Seeking Men Age range
Description I am seeking a handsome, honest and loyal guy. I love when a guy is honest and not afraid to be himself around me. I am the type of person that takes my guy seriously. I like a guy who is affectionate. A guy who is I can communicate with, a guy who is willing to listen, not listening like " Oh yeah I hear you" but " I understand you". I have a problem with meeting guys who cant be man enough to admit to their wrong doings. If you are a real man, you would admit to your wrong doings and also, a guy who can admit that its ok to cry. Come on, we are all human. Believe, that you wouldnt be laughed at by me, U would be respected more.

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