

Name smith Age 61
Gender Man Starsign Sagittarius
Ethnicity White Status Single
Height 5'8" Body type Average
Education University Smoking Never
Date joined 10/31/2014 Drinking Never
Last login 9 years ago (from country Ghana)
Location New York City, New York, United States
Occupation construction
Summary am very lovely man
Description I am very creative and positive man who has strong wish to find my soul mate. I feel that in our world people start to forget about love and romance. I hope to meet a woman who will love me with all his heart and soul. I am very romantic and adore making sweet little surprises for my beloved.
Seeking Women Age range from 45 to 80
Description Looking for a mature, stable, kind, sensitive, sincere, and open-hearted woman; who is sincere about wanting a happy family, that is always there for him. I am more interested in his personality, and how he will treat me, than in his age, looks, or where he lives. I am waiting for him to let me know that he is thinking about us being together and wants to meet me in person.

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