

Name irelyne Age 37
Gender Woman Starsign Aries
Ethnicity Mixed Status None
Height 5'5" Body type
Education Smoking
Date joined 03/26/2014 Drinking
Last login 10 years ago (from country Cameroon)
Location Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Occupation Student
Summary Hi am a 27 year old girl who is single and seriously looking for a man to get married to.
Description Hi there , i am a Canadian but now live with my mom in Cameroon i am 27 of age and i am looking for a man to get married to. i need man who will love me and i will do same in return. i do not care of the age. all i want is true love and the one who will love and take care of me for i will be very loyal to him. so please if you are interested in me, then you contact me via email <blocked email address> then i let you know more about me. waiting to read from you soonest. Irean
Seeking Men Age range from 32 to 55
Description i will need a man who is humble, loving a man, very respectful to his wife, he should be working no mater the type of job so far an so long he can take good care of him self,me and the family we are going to build. my man should be a God fearing man and a responsible man.

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