TXT<blocked number>


Name TXT<blocked number> Age 47
Gender Woman Starsign Leo
Ethnicity White Status Single
Height 5'6" Body type Athletic
Education College Smoking Never
Date joined 08/10/2015 Drinking Never
Last login 8 years ago (from country United States)
Location Wyoming, Kent County, Michigan, United States
Occupation cooker
Summary am looking for my soulmate
Description I would describe myself as a kind, generous, easy-going person. I love to laugh and enjoy funny situations. I enjoy traveling and the adventures of the outdoors. Getting away is important because I think everyone should see what else is out there. I also like going to the movies, theatre, concerts, museums or a nice restaurant. But I am just as happy staying home . I would like to meet someone who has similar interests, but who can introduce different activities into my life
Seeking Men Age range

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