

Name gorgewill200 Age 58
Gender Man Starsign Sagittarius
Ethnicity White Status Single
Height 5'4" Body type Average
Education College Smoking Social
Date joined 10/24/2014 Drinking Social
Last login 9 years ago (from country Nigeria)
Location California City, Kern County, California, United States
Occupation united state soldier
Summary i am a man of honesty and loving heart
Description Hello I am gorge williams.i am a soldier of the United state army I am a widowed with one daughter who is just nine years old. My wife died of breast cancer five years ago when my daughter was only 4 years old. Since then i have been a single helpless father taking care of my <blocked website> now I am in search of very serious relationship that will lead to marriage, my daughter have always wanted someone to call mother since her biological mother died. I will be glad if we can establish such relationship, I dot like head games but serious love and <blocked website> is my facebook (<blocked email>) thanks
Seeking Women Age range from 40 to 55
Description Hello I am gorge williams.i am a soldier of the United state army I am a widowed with one daughter who is just nine years old. My wife died of breast cancer five years ago when my daughter was only 4 years old. Since then i have been a single helpless father taking care of my <blocked website> now I am in search of very serious relationship that will lead to marriage, my daughter have always wanted someone to call mother since her biological mother died. I will be glad if we can establish such relationship, I dot like head games but serious love and <blocked website> is my facebook (<blocked email>) thanks

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