

Name Marvinduke Age 37
Gender Man Starsign Libra
Ethnicity Black Status Single
Height 5'5" Body type Athletic
Education College Smoking Social
Date joined 10/22/2014 Drinking Social
Last login 9 years ago (from country United States)
Location Banjul, Gambia
Occupation Business
Summary Taking Chance to know my patner
Description Taking a chance and trying to find a true partner to explore the possibilities in this crazy world. I definitely have a true zest for life and believe that we should all approach life with a little more humor. Life is too short to worry about the little stuff, considering over time it all turns out to be little stuff. I consider myself a true romantic man in every sense of the word. I truly believe that we can have it all. A connection on every level, emotional, mental and spiritual. Of course they don't always occur at the same time, but I do believe we can have all that with the same person.
Seeking Women Age range

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