

Name Gloria Age 43
Gender Woman Starsign Sagittarius
Ethnicity White Status Single
Height 5'10" Body type Average
Education University Smoking Never
Date joined 10/23/2014 Drinking Never
Last login 9 years ago (from country Canada)
Location New York City, New York, United States
Occupation Health
Description I am a peace loving woman with so much to share. I am very open minded and the easy going type. I love every great moment shared together because each time in our life is worth sharing with the right people that are they to make life a better place for us. I have no ex problem and I am ready to move on and step in a life of never ending happiness. I am ready to relocate should love choose to bring us together. I have no boundary to love because everyone wants to be where his or her heart belongs. Love can be found anywhere that is why I believe that maybe our search for each other could be here. I love gardening, cooking, taking care of the house and getting everything in place. I also love taking a walk, visiting new places and sharing coffee and sitting in an open place And having good time together..
Seeking Men Age range at least 40
Description I am looking for someone who is down to earth and is ever ready to settle down with women for a serious relation. I would love him being honest to me, caring and very welcoming.

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